Abiodun Adeola works as a lead scientist: climate change and variability in the research unit of South African Weather Service. His particular research interest is climate, climate change and variability impacts on heath. He is proficient in the application of remote sensing and geographic information system in providing solutions to environmental health problems through climate change analysis and modelling. He has a strong passion in improving the health and wellbeing. As part of his PhD research, he has developed a SARIMA model using remotely derived environmental variables to predict malaria cases in South Africa. Article of the model is under review with Eco Health journal. He is currently a leading member of a research collaboration group on Developing an integrated modeling and surveillance system based on climate, land use, and malaria transmission dynamics in the eastern Limpopo river valley, South Africa. Abiodun Adeola works as a lead scientist: climate change and variability in the research unit of South African Weather Service. His particular research interest is climate, climate change and variability impacts on heath. He is proficient in the application of remote sensing and geographic information system in providing solutions to environmental health problems through climate change analysis and modelling. He has a strong passion in improving the health and wellbeing. As part of his PhD research, he has developed a SARIMA model using remotely derived environmental variables to predict malaria cases in South Africa. Article of the model is under review with Eco Health journal. He is currently a leading member of a research collaboration group on Developing an integrated modeling and surveillance system based on climate, land use, and malaria transmission dynamics in the eastern Limpopo river valley, South Africa.