Associate Professor
Mass Communications & Public Relations
Ahlia University


Faculty member and lecturer in different Egyptian universities as follow: Teacher at the Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Management Department of Tourism Studies, Mokattam Academy of Sciences modern.A teacher at the Faculty of Mass Communication and Public Relations, Nahda University, Beni Suef. Teacher at the Higher Institute of Applied Arts “Part Time” – Advertising Department – New Cairo Academy of Sciences and Arts, compound V – New Cairo City. Teacher at the Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Management, Department of Tourism Studies, Pharaohs Academy. Trainer in Centre for Leadership Development in the government sector , Central agency for Organisation and Administration Lecturer in Public Relations, Media and advertising, Amoun Center for Human Development, Amount Pharmaceutical Company in the period of 1997-2007

Research Intrest

Media discourse, narrative analysis, political communication of social movements, methodology and philosophy of science in humanities.

List of Publications
The public relations practice models in the arab governmental organizations: astudy of Egyptian and Bahrani organisations’ sample, Journal of public relations advertising research, Cairo university,.
The Dependency of the Bahraini youth on electronic sites of newspapers as a source of community information: An Empirical Study, Journal of Childhood Studies, Ain Shams University.
Attitudes of the Egyptian university youth towards credibility of religious content in the islamic websites after the arab revolution, Journal of public relations advertising research , Cairo university, issue 3, april –june 2015.