Abdul Samad Mumtaz

Associate Professor
Plant Sciences
Quaid-i-Azam University


Abdul Samad Mumtazobtained his Ph.D from Biosciences University of Birmingham, U.K. He currently holds as an Associate Professor in Department of Plant Sciences at Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan. His research focus mainly on Genetics of wild plants, Genetics of crop diseases, in situ and ex situ conservation, Population Genetics, Phylogeny and evolutionary genetics.

Research Intrest

Genetics of wild plants, Genetics of crop diseases, in situ and ex situ conservation, Population Genetics, Phylogeny and evolutionary genetics

List of Publications
Evaluating the agro-morphological variation in Panicum antidotale retz. in Cholistan desert. Nisar, M.F., Mumtaz, A. S. Muhammad, A. Majeed, A., Hussain, K. and Nawaz, K. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. (Pakistan) 12: 416–420. 2010.
Proteins as biomarkers for taxonomic identification of Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCMs) from subsection Rectae genus Clematis from China. Ishtiaq, M., Mumtaz, A. S., Wang, Y, Yiyu, C. Mehmood, T. and Ashraf, M. World Applied Sciences Journal (Egypt or Iran). 8: 62-70. 2010
A molecular study of genetic diversity in Shisham. Muhammad, A., Mumtaz, A. S., Riasat, R. Pakistan Journal of Botany. (Pakistan). 42(1): 79-88. 2010.

Global Scientific Words in Agri and Aquaculture