Abdul Rashid Khan

Deputy Dean
Penang Medical College

Professor Gastroenterology

"Prof. Dato’ Dr Rashid has a medical degree from the University of Peshawar, Pakistan, Post graduate diploma and Masters in Health Science from Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia and a Ph.D. in Community Health from the National University of Malaysia. He is currently the Professor and Head, Department of Public Health Medicine, & Deputy Dean Postgraduate Affairs and International Relations. He has written more than 60 peer reviewed publications and has written numerous books and chapters in books. He is also a member of numerous editorial boards of medical journals. He has a keen interest in community outreach projects. He has been very actively involved in research, health promotion & education and social well-being projects in rural Kedah and Penang as well as among the Orang Asli (Aborigines in Peninsular Malaysia) in Perak. He was awarded the ‘Darjah Setia Pangkuan Negeri’ by the Governor of Penang which carries the title Dato’ in 2017."

Research Intrest

"Geriatric and Gerontology especially relating to mental health of the elderly Community Health relating to medical anthropology especially in the underprivileged groups"

List of Publications
HS A-S, Rashid A (2017) The intention to disclose medical errors among doctors in a referral hospital in North Malaysia. BMC Medical Ethics. 18: 3.
Rashid A, Tahir I (2015) The prevalence and predictors of severe depression among the elderly in Malaysia. Journal of cross-cultural gerontology 30: 69-85.
Alaa H, Shah SA, Khan AR (2014) Prevalence of diarrhoea and its associated factors in children under five years of age in Baghdad, Iraq. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine 3:17-21.