Lebanese American University
Samar Rachidi is a Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy- Lebanese University, responsible of Clinical Nutrition and Fundamental Nutrition, Chronic Patient Education in the master degree. She has a PhD degree in Clinical Biochemistry and a Doctor in Pharmacy degree. She is the part of a research group at the Faculty of Pharmacy. Her work and studies are focused on Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaco-Epidemiology in different sectors (Gestational diabetic patient and quality of life of diabetic, medication errors in the Lebanese hospitals, outcome of the consumption of energy drink, etc.). She is responsible of DU program which is a partnership project between the private Pharmaceutical sector and the Public Health sector across the Lebanese territory. She is leading the PharmD officinal degree, delivering a formation including pharmaceutical care, patient education, and prescription analysis and intervention. She is responsible for the training program inside the community pharmacies in partnership with the pharmacists order, including the students repartition, skills and assessment of competencies. She has led the clinical pharmacy department managing the relation with different internal and external customers. Samar Rachidi is a Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy- Lebanese University, responsible of Clinical Nutrition and Fundamental Nutrition, Chronic Patient Education in the master degree. She has a PhD degree in Clinical Biochemistry and a Doctor in Pharmacy degree. She is the part of a research group at the Faculty of Pharmacy. Her work and studies are focused on Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaco-Epidemiology in different sectors (Gestational diabetic patient and quality of life of diabetic, medication errors in the Lebanese hospitals, outcome of the consumption of energy drink, etc.). She is responsible of DU program which is a partnership project between the private Pharmaceutical sector and the Public Health sector across the Lebanese territory. She is leading the PharmD officinal degree, delivering a formation including pharmaceutical care, patient education, and prescription analysis and intervention. She is responsible for the training program inside the community pharmacies in partnership with the pharmacists order, including the students repartition, skills and assessment of competencies. She has led the clinical pharmacy department managing the relation with different internal and external customers.
Diabetes,Medicine,Healthcare,Public Health