Michael A. Plum

Intermountain Physical Therapy clinic


  Degree in the University of Utah - Salt Lake City, UT, 2010 - 2013.Professional Memberships in American Physical Therapy Association. Professional Positions in  CPR certified, Graston Technique certified. Languages Spoken is English. Personal Bio & Interests are  his  goal is to keep people healthy through movement and education. He had  worked in the outpatient orthopedic environment my entire professional career and I continue to learn new ways to help people each day. Staying up to date on best practices and evidence-based practice is the most important aspect to me. His primary goal is to create self-efficacy in each patient, so they can continue to stay healthy on their own, creating a lower utilization of services.His  belief is that their prognosis and outcomes will be high with this practice. I love my job and love what I do. Helping people never gets old.

Research Intrest

 Physical therapy