Vulcheva Krumova Evgeniya

Acibadem City Clinic Tokuda Hospital

Doctor Microbiology

Evgeniya Krumova graduated from Medical College of Sofia in 1984 and received her specialization in ‘Medical Technician’ in 2001 followed by a specialization in ‘Health Care Management’ in the Faculty of Public Health of the Medical University Sofia. Initially she worked as a medical technician in the laboratory for reproduction and biosynthesis of the National Centre of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases at the Multidisciplinary Hospital ‘Queen Giovanna as a chief medical technician of the Virology Laboratory until 2005. Prior to her employment in Tokuda Hospital Sofia, she worked in the University Hospital ‘Lozenetz’ as a medical technician in the Microbiology and Virology Laboratory and in the Military Medical Academy of Sofia as a senior medical technician in the Microbiology scientific research lab.congresses, attends courses for improving her postgraduate qualifications etc.

Research Intrest
