Plantation General Hospital
United States of America
Vasudhu Viswanathan, MD is a practicing Anesthesiologist in Sunrise, FL. Dr. Viswanathan graduated from Maulana Azad Medical College in 1994 and has been in practice for 23 years. Dr. Viswanathan also specializes in Pediatrics and Sleep Medicine. She currently practices at Sheridan Children's Health Services and is affiliated with Plantation General Hospital and University Hospital & Medical Center. Dr. Viswanathan accepts multiple insurance plans including Medicare, Medicaid and Multiplan. Vasudhu Viswanathan, MD is a practicing Anesthesiologist in Sunrise, FL. Dr. Viswanathan graduated from Maulana Azad Medical College in 1994 and has been in practice for 23 years. Dr. Viswanathan also specializes in Pediatrics and Sleep Medicine. She currently practices at Sheridan Children's Health Services and is affiliated with Plantation General Hospital and University Hospital & Medical Center. Dr. Viswanathan accepts multiple insurance plans including Medicare, Medicaid and Multiplan.