Tom Bell

Senior Scientist
Environmental Science
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
United Kingdom


Dr Tom Bell has been at PML since January 2013. He is interested in the importance of the surface ocean and overlying atmosphere within the global climate system. Specifically, his multidisciplinary research focuses on understanding the biogeochemical cycling of climatically-important trace gases and the factors affecting their air/sea exchange.

Research Intrest

Methods to measure the chemistry and biology of the open ocean and marine atmosphere; empirical modelling approaches to predict trace gas distributions.

List of Publications
Bell TG, De Bruyn W, Miller SD, Ward B, Christensen K, et al (2013) Air/sea DMS gas transfer in the North Atlantic: evidence for limited interfacial gas exchange at high wind speed. Atmos Chem Phys, 13:11073-11087.
Baker AR, Adams C, Bell TG and Jickells T (2013) Estimation of atmospheric nutrient inputs to the Atlantic Ocean from 50°N to 50 °S based on large-scale field sampling: II. Iron and other trace metals. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 27: 755-767.
Cabral RB, Gaines SD, Johnson BA, Bell T, White C (2017) Drivers of redistribution of fishing and non-fishing effort after the implementation of a marine protected area network. Ecol Appl, 27:416-428.