Susan Kay

Numerical Modeller
Environmental Science
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
United Kingdom


Dr Susan Kay is a marine ecosystem modeller, working on 3D numerical models for various regions of the world. Currently her interests focus around producing models that will be of value to decision-makers in the fields of marine conservation, fisheries protection and poverty alleviation. She works on both multi-decade projections, which can give insight into the implications of climate change for the marine ecosystem, and short-term runs enhanced by data assimilation, which can assist with monitoring the present state of regional seas. Susan joined PML in January 2012. Prior to this she studied for a PhD at the University of Exeter, using a numerical model of the sea surface to investigate how reflected sunlight can contaminate satellite images of marine environments. Originally trained in physics, she has experience in a range of scientific areas and in education.

Research Intrest

Marine conservation, fisheries protection and poverty alleviation.

List of Publications
Kay Susan, John Hedley, and Samantha Lavender (2013) Sun Glint Estimation in Marine Satellite Images: a Comparison of Results from Calculation and Radiative Transfer Modeling. Applied Optics 52 : 5631–5639.
Kay S, Caesar J, Wolf J, Bricheno L, Nicholls RJ, et al (2015). Modelling the increased frequency of extreme sea levels in the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna delta due to sea level rise and other effects of climate change. Environ Sci Process Impacts 17: 1311–1322.
Ciavatta S, Kay S, Saux-Picart S, Butenschön M and Allen JI (2016) Decadal reanalysis of biogeochemical indicators and fluxes in the North West European shelf-sea ecosystem. J Geophys Res Oceans, 121:1824–1845.