Stefanie Broszeit

Marine Ecosystem Services Researcher
Marine ecology
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
United Kingdom


Dr Stefanie Broszeit is a marine ecologist. She studied marine biology at Plymouth University and then went on to do a MSc at the Centre for marine tropical ecology, in Bremen, Germany. She then carried out intertidal surveys in SW Ireland before joining Plymouth University as a research and teaching technician. She obtained her PhD at University College Cork, Ireland, after studying spatial and temporal patterns of soft sediment communities affected by strongly variable current regimes and seasonal hypoxia. After her PhD she did a post doc looking at the effects of artificial structures on marine benthic assemblages in the Italian Adriatic.

Research Intrest

To understand the links between ecosystems, their functions and their services to humans.

List of Publications
Broszeit S, Davenport J, McAllen R (2010) First documented record of Rhabdomolgus ruber (Echinodermata: Holothuridea) in Irish waters. Marine Biodiversity Records, 3:1-3
Broszeit S, Davenport J, Bredendieck K, Harman L, McAllen R (2013) Seasonal oxygen-driven migration of mobile benthic fauna affected by natural water column stratification. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 125:36-42
Harvey BP, Al-Janabi B, Broszeit S, Cioffi R, Kumar A, et al (2014) Evolution of Marine Organisms under Climate Change at Different Levels of Biological Organisation. Water, 6:3545-3574.