Shubha Sathyendranath

Merit Remote Sensing Scientist
Earth Sciences
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
United Kingdom


Dr Shubha Sathyendranath is Head of Remote Sensing and Marine Optics at Plymouth Marine Laboratory and is the Assistant Director for the Partnership for the Observation of the Global Oceans. Dr Sathyendranath's research interests include ocean colour modelling, spectral characteristics of light penetration underwater, bio-optical properties of phytoplankton, modelling primary production, bio-geochemical cycles in the sea, climate change, biological-physical interactions in the marine system, ecological provinces in the sea, ecological indicators and phytoplantkon functional types.

Research Intrest

Ocean colour modelling, spectral characteristics of light penetration underwater, bio-optical properties of phytoplankton, modelling primary production, bio-geochemical cycles in the sea, climate change, biological-physical interactions in the marine system.

List of Publications
Platt T, Sathyendranath S, White GN, Fuentes-Yaco C, Zhai L, et al (2010) Diagnostic properties of phytoplankton time series from remote sensing. Estuaries and Coasts, 33:428-439.
Bouman HA, Nakane T, Oka K, Nakata K, Sathyendranath S et al (2010) Environmental controls on phytoplankton production in coastal ecosystems: A case study from Tokyo Bay. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 87: 63-72.
Brewin RJW, Sathyendranath S, Hirata T, Lavender SJ, Barciela RM et al (2010) A three-component model of phytoplankton size class for the Atlantic Ocean. Ecological Modelling, 221:1472-1483.