Robin Schaffer

Coral Gables Hospital
United States of America


Robin M. Schaffer, DO is a practicing Anesthesiologist in Miami, FL. Dr. Schaffer graduated from University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1983 and has been in practice for 34 years. She completed a residency at University of South Florida College of Medicine. She currently practices at Robin Marcia Schaffer DO and is affiliated with Coral Gables Hospital. Dr. Schaffer is board certified in Anesthesiology. Robin M. Schaffer, DO is a practicing Anesthesiologist in Miami, FL. Dr. Schaffer graduated from University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1983 and has been in practice for 34 years. She completed a residency at University of South Florida College of Medicine. She currently practices at Robin Marcia Schaffer DO and is affiliated with Coral Gables Hospital. Dr. Schaffer is board certified in Anesthesiology.

Research Intrest
