Prof.(FH) Priv.Doz. Mag. Dr. Andreas Ege

Head of Research Institute Applied Bioanalytics & Drug Devel
IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems

Doctor Oncology

1992 - 1999 Research Associate, Vienna Biocenter 1999 - 2002 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Vienna, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology 2002 - 2008 Since 2009 Assistant Professor, Medical University of Vienna, Department of Medical Biochemistry, Section Molecular Cell Biology; Max F. Perutz Laboratories (MFPL) Professor (FH), IMC University of Applied Science, Krems Aus- und Weiterbildung/Education and Further Education: 1990 - 1995 Molecular Genetics, University of Vienna, Diploma Thesis with First Class Honours 1996 – 1999 2004 2007 2008 Ph.D., University of Vienna, Thesis and Rigorosum with First Class Honours Post-graduate training in “Problem-Oriented Learning” Post-graduate training in “Design, Analysis and Interpretation of Clinical Studies” Habilitation (Venia Docendi), Medical University of Vienna Ausgewählte Publikationen/Selected Papers/Pub

Research Intrest

Experimental and Clinical Oncology ï‚· Cell Biology ï‚· Protein and Peptide Chemistry ï‚· Molecular Biology ï‚· Scientific Project Management and Fund Raising ï‚· Meeting Organization ï‚· Teaching

List of Publications
A. Eger, A. Stockinger, G. Wiche, and R. Foisner (1997). Polarization-dependent association of plectin with desmoplakin and the lateral submembrane skeleton in MDCK cells. J. Cell Science 110, 1307-1316. 1997 J. Gotzmann, A. Eger, M. Meissner, R. Grimm, C. Gerner, G. Sauermann, and R. Foisner (1997). Two-dimensional electrophoresis reveals a nuclear matrix-associated nucleolin complex of basic isoelectric point. Electrophoresis 18, 2645- 2653. 2000 2000 2001 A. Eger, A. Stockinger, B. Schaffhauser, H. Beug, and R. Foisner (2000). Epithelial-mesenchymal transition by c-Fos estrogen receptor activation involves nuclear translocation of β-catenin and upregulation of ß-catenin/lymphoid enhancer binding factor- 1 transcriptional activity. J. Cell Biology 148, 173-187. A. Eger and R. Foisner (2000). Dynamic and cross talk of junctional proteins: a molecular basis for the regulation of cell adhesion and epithelial polarity. Protoplasma 211, 125-133. A. Stockinger, A. Eger, J. Wolf, H. Beug and R. Foisner (2001). E-cadherin regulates cell growth by modulating proliferation- 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2006 2007 2007 dependent β-catenin transcriptional activity. J. Cell Biology 154, 1185-1196. Gotzmann, J., M. Mikula, A. Eger, R. Schulte-Hermann, R. Foisner, H. Beug, and W. Mikulits (2004). Molecular aspects of epithelial cell plasticity: Implications for local tumour invasion and metastasis. Mutat. Res. 566(1), 9-20. A. Eger, A. Stockinger, J. Park, E. Langkopf, W. Mikulits, M. Mikula, J. Gotzmann, H. Beug and R. Foisner (2004). β-catenin and TGFβ signalling cooperate to maintain a mesenchymal phenotype after FosER-induced epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Oncogene 23 (15), 2672-2680. A. Eger, K. Aigner, S. Sonderegger, B. Dampier, S. Oehler, M. Schreiber, G. Berx, A. Cano, H. Beug and R. Foisner (2005). DeltaEF1 is a transcriptional repressor of E-cadherin and regulates epithelial plasticity in breast cancer cells. Oncogene, 24 (14), 2375-2385. A. Eger and W. Mikulits (2005). Models of Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition. Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models, 2 (1), 57-63. Stary, M., Pasteiner, W., Summer, A., Hrdina, A., Eger, A., and Weitzer, G. (2005). Parietal endoderm secreted SPARC promotes early cardiomyogenesis in vitro. Exp. Cell Research, 310 (2), 331-343. S. Spaderna, O. Schmalhofer, F. Hlubek, G. Berx, A. Eger, S. Merkel, A. Jung, T. Kirchner, T. Brabletz (2006). A transient, EMT-linked loss of basement membranes indicates metastasis and poor survival in colorectal cancer. Gastroenterology, 131 (3), 830-40. K. Pacher, M.J. Seewald, M. Mikula, S. Oehler, M. Mogg, U. Vinatzer, A. Eger, N. Schweifer, R. Varecka, W. Sommergruber, W. Mikulits and M. Schreiber (2007). Impact of constitutive IGF1/IGF2 stimulation on the transcriptional program of human breast cancer cells. Carcinogenesis, 28, 49-59. K. Aigner, B. Dampier, L. Descovich, M. Mikula, A. Sultan, M. Schreiber, W. Mikulits, T. Brabletz, D. Strand, P. Obrist, W. Sommergruber, N. Schweifer, A. Wernitznig, H. Beug, R. Foisner, and A. Eger (2007). The transcription factor ZEB1 (δEF1) interferes with tumour cell differentiation by repressing master regulators of epithelial polarity. Oncogene, 26 (49), 6979-88. 2007 2007 2008 2011 2011 2012 2013 K. Aigner, L. Descovich, M. Mikula, A. Sultan, B. Dampier, S. Bonné, Frans van Roy, W. Mikulits, M. Schreiber, , T. Brabletz, W. Sommergruber, N. Schweifer, A. Wernitznig, H. Beug, R. Foisner, and A. Eger (2007). The transcription factor ZEB1 (δEF1) represses Plakophilin 3 during human cancer progression. FEBS Letters, 581 (8), 1617-1624. M. Mikula, C. Lahsnig, A. N. M. Fischer, V. Proell, H. Huber, E. Fuchs, A. Eger, H. Beug and W. Mikulits (2007). Epithelial plasticity of hepatocytes during liver tumor progression. Stem cells and their potential for clinical application, NATO Science for Peace and Security. Series/NATO Science Foundation. Springer Netherland, Edition 1. S. Spaderna, O. Schmalhofer, M.Wahlbuhl, A. Dimmler, K. Bauer, A. Sultan, F. Hlubek, A. Jung, D. Strand, A. Eger, T. Kirchner, J. Behrens and T. Brabletz (2008). The EMT inducer ZEB1 promotes metastasis and a loss of cell polarity in cancer. Cancer Research, 68 (2), 537-544. S. Amatschek, R. Lucas, A. Eger, M. Pflueger, H. Hundsberger, C. Knoll, S. Grosse-Kracht, W. Schuett, F. Koszik, D. Maurer, and C. Wiesner (2011). CXCL9 induces chemotaxis, chemorepulsion and endothelial barrier disruption through CXCR3-mediated activation of melanoma cells. Br. J. Cancer, 104(3):469-79. C. Vonach, K. Viola, B. Giessrigl, N, Huttary, I. Raab, R. Kalt, S. Krieger, S. Madlener, S. Bauer, B. Marian, M. Hämmerle, Kretschy N, Teichmann M, Hantusch B, Stary S, Unger C, M. Seelinger, A. Eger, R. Mader, W. Jäger, W. Schmidt, M. Grusch, H. Dolznig, W. Mikulits, G. Krupitza (2011). NF-κB mediates the 12(S)-HETE-induced endothelial to mesenchymal transition of lymphendothelial cells during the intravasation of breast carcinoma cells. Br. J. Cancer. 12, 105 (2) :263-71. C.J. Maier, R.H. Maier, R. Rid, A. Trost, H. Hundsberger, A. Eger, H. Hintner, J.W. Bauer, K. Önder (2012). 3. PIM-1 kinase interacts with the DNA binding domain of the vitamin D receptor: a further kinase implicated in 1,25-(OH)2D3 signaling. BMC Mol. Biol. 2012 Jun 21;13:18. M. Pflüger, A. Kapuscik, R. Lucas, A. Koppensteiner, M. Katzlinger, J. Jokela, A. Eger, N. Jacobi, C. Wiesner, E. Hofmann, K. Önder, J. Kopecky, W. Schütt, H. Hundsberger (2013). A combined impedance and AlphaLISA-based approach to identify anti-inflammatory and barrier-protective compounds in human endothelium. J. Biomol. Screen. 18(1):67-74.