Nick Palermo

South Miami Hospital
United States of America


Nick N. Palermo, MD is a practicing Anesthesiologist in South Miami, FL. Dr. Palermo graduated from University of Miami Leonard M Miller School of Medicine in 1987 and has been in practice for 30 years. He completed a residency at Jackson Health System. He currently practices at Anesthesia Associates of Greater Miami PA and is affiliated with South Miami Hospital and West Kendall Baptist Hospital. Dr. Palermo accepts multiple insurance plans including Medicare, Cigna and Great West. Dr. Palermo is board certified in Anesthesiology. Nick N. Palermo, MD is a practicing Anesthesiologist in South Miami, FL. Dr. Palermo graduated from University of Miami Leonard M Miller School of Medicine in 1987 and has been in practice for 30 years. He completed a residency at Jackson Health System. He currently practices at Anesthesia Associates of Greater Miami PA and is affiliated with South Miami Hospital and West Kendall Baptist Hospital. Dr. Palermo accepts multiple insurance plans including Medicare, Cigna and Great West. Dr. Palermo is board certified in Anesthesiology.

Research Intrest
