Nadja Kunkel

Research Associate
Institute for Tendon and Bone Regeneration 
Paracelsus Private Medical University of Salzburg

Doctor Orthopaedics

Dr. Nadja Kunkel is employed as Research Associate for Tendon and Bone Regeneration, Paracelsus Private Medical University of Salzburg, Austria.

Research Intrest

Spinal Cord Injury and Tissue Regeneration

List of Publications
Tempfer H, Kaser-Eichberger A, Korntner S, Lehner C, Kunkel N, Traweger A, Trost A, Strohmaier C, Bogner B, Runge C, Bruckner D. Presence of lymphatics in a rat tendon lesion model. Histochemistry and cell biology. 2015 Apr 1;143(4):411-9.
Kunkel N, Wagner A, Gehwolf R, Heimel P, Tempfer H, Korntner S, Augat P, Resch H, Redl H, Betz O, Bauer HC. Comparing the osteogenic potential of bone marrow and tendon‐derived stromal cells to repair a critical‐sized defect in the rat femur. Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. 2015 Jan 1.
Korntner S, Kunkel N, Lehner C, Gehwolf R, Wagner A, Augat P, Stephan D, Heu V, Bauer HC, Traweger A, Tempfer H. A high-glucose diet affects Achilles tendon healing in rats. Scientific Reports. 2017;7.