Momme Butenschon

Marine Ecosystem Modeller
Marine ecology
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
United Kingdom


Momme is a Senior Scientist at PML. In his role as a Marine Ecosystem Modeller, he leads the development of the ecosystem model ERSEM (created in-house) as well as its coupling to current general circulation models such as NEMO, POLCOMS and GOTM, studies on ecosystem trends, natural variability, inter-annual variability and model uncertainty.

Research Intrest

MEECE, EURO-BASIN, OPEC, VECTORS and MEDINA as well as Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry and UKOA.

List of Publications
Artioli Y, Blackford JC, Butenschön M, Holt JT, Wakelin SL, et al (2012) The carbonate system in the north sea: Sensitivity and model validation. Journal of Marine Systems, 13: 102-104
de Mora L, Butenschön M and Allen JI (2012) How should sparse in situ measurements be compared to a continuous model, Geoscientific Model Development, 6 : 533-548.
Saux Picart S, Butenschön M and Shutler JD (2012) Wavelet-based spatial comparison technique for analysing and evaluating two-dimensional geophysical model fields. Geoscientific Model Development, 5:223-230.