Mohammed R. Khan

Reproductive Medicine
Women Networks Limited
United States of America


Mohammed R. Khan is a Quality Management Consultant and Principal, Synergex Consulting, Canada. He has earlier served as Director QA/QC and Regulatory Compliance with DuPont Pharmaceuticals Canada, and also as a Director of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Canada, Plant Operations Section. He is an active member of the Drug Information Association since 1996, and has served on the DIA Advisory Council of North America while concurrently chairing the DIA Canadian Programming Steering Committee from 2003 through 2007. He has also served on the Core Committees of the DIA GCP & QA SIAC and the NHP SIAC, and as program coordinator, program committee member, session chair and speaker at a vast number of the DIA events in the US, Canada, Europe, and South Asia. He is a recipient of the DIA Outstanding Service Award. He has also served as a presenter for the PDA in Europe and Japan, IQPC in the US, PSG Canada, and IPC India. Mohammed R. Khan is a Quality Management Consultant and Principal, Synergex Consulting, Canada. He has earlier served as Director QA/QC and Regulatory Compliance with DuPont Pharmaceuticals Canada, and also as a Director of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Canada, Plant Operations Section. He is an active member of the Drug Information Association since 1996, and has served on the DIA Advisory Council of North America while concurrently chairing the DIA Canadian Programming Steering Committee from 2003 through 2007. He has also served on the Core Committees of the DIA GCP & QA SIAC and the NHP SIAC, and as program coordinator, program committee member, session chair and speaker at a vast number of the DIA events in the US, Canada, Europe, and South Asia. He is a recipient of the DIA Outstanding Service Award. He has also served as a presenter for the PDA in Europe and Japan, IQPC in the US, PSG Canada, and IPC India.

Research Intrest

Reproductive Medicine