Miguel Monroig

Bethesda Memorial Hospital
United States of America


Miguel L. Monroig, MD is a practicing Anesthesiologist in Sunrise, FL. Dr. Monroig graduated from Universidad Central Del Caribe Escuela de Medicina in 1999 and has been in practice for 17 years. He completed a residency at Georgetown University Hospital. He currently practices at Sheridan Healthcare and is affiliated with Bethesda Memorial Hospital. In addition to English, Dr. Monroig's practice supports these languages: Spanish and Korean. Miguel L. Monroig, MD is a practicing Anesthesiologist in Sunrise, FL. Dr. Monroig graduated from Universidad Central Del Caribe Escuela de Medicina in 1999 and has been in practice for 17 years. He completed a residency at Georgetown University Hospital. He currently practices at Sheridan Healthcare and is affiliated with Bethesda Memorial Hospital. In addition to English, Dr. Monroig's practice supports these languages: Spanish and Korean.

Research Intrest
