Michael G Hanna

Reproductive Medicine
Women Networks Limited
United States of America


Michael G Hanna has received his PhD in Experimental Pathology and Immunology from the University of Tennessee (TN, USA). He was a Consultant in NASA for the lunar receiving laboratory during Apollo 11 and 12, for which his expertise in Immunology was used in the testing of the lunar core powder for immunogenic or pathogenic materials. He has worked as the Director of the National Cancer Institute, Frederick Cancer Research Center (MD, USA) during 1974-83. Michael G Hanna has received his PhD in Experimental Pathology and Immunology from the University of Tennessee (TN, USA). He was a Consultant in NASA for the lunar receiving laboratory during Apollo 11 and 12, for which his expertise in Immunology was used in the testing of the lunar core powder for immunogenic or pathogenic materials. He has worked as the Director of the National Cancer Institute, Frederick Cancer Research Center (MD, USA) during 1974-83.

Research Intrest

Reproductive Medicine