Lee de Mora

Marine Ecosystem Modeller
Environmental Science
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
United Kingdom


Lee started work as a scientist in the “Todays Models, Tomorrows Futures” (modelling) group at PML in July 2011. He has developed a point-to-point method for validating the POLCOM-ERSEM AMM hindcast with in situ measurements of the North Sea. He also performed comparisons of the POLCOM-ERSEM hindcast against meteorological indices using principal component analysis and cumulative sums methods. His research interests are primarily marine ecosystem model development and model validation using historic in situ measurements.

Research Intrest

Impact of renewable energy extraction on the marine ecosystem.

List of Publications
Brewin RJ, de Mora L, Jackson T, Brewin TG and Shutler J (2015) On the Potential of Surfers to Monitor Environmental Indicators in the Coastal Zone. PLoS One, 10:7
Saux Picart, Allen JI, Butenschön M, Artioli Y, de Mora L, et al (2015) What can ecosystem models tell us about the risk of eutrophication in the North Sea?. Clim Change. 132:111-125.