Jonathan Bernie

Chief of Robotic Surgery
Bladder Control Center of Norwalk
United States of America


Dr. Bernie attended the University of Pennsylvania and received degrees from The Wharton School and the College of Arts and Sciences. He completed his medical degree at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. He then completed two years of surgical residency, followed by four years of urologic surgery residency at the University of California, San Diego Medical Center.Dr. Bernie has published extensively in all aspects of urology and has received several awards for both his surgical skills and clinical research, including the Prostatectomy Excellence Award in 2011, 2012 and 2013.

Research Intrest

Treatments for Prostate Diseases, Laparoscopic kidney Surgery, Male Urinary Incontinence, Cryosurgery, and Erectile Dysfunction

List of Publications
Bernie JE, Sundaram CP, Guise AI. Laparoscopic vascular control techniques in donor nephrectomy: effects on vessel length. JSLS: Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons. 2006 Apr;10(2):141.
Sundaram CP, Bargman V, Bernie JE. Methods of vascular control during laparoscopic donor nephrectomy. Journal of endourology. 2006 Jul 1;20(7):467-70.
Dodds PR, Boucher JD, Shield DE, Bernie JE, Batter SJ, Serels SR, Dodds JH. Are complications of transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsies of the prostate gland increasing?. Connecticut medicine. 2011 Sep;75(8):453-7.

Global Scientific Words in Medical Sciences