Gennadi Lessin

Marine System Modeller
Environmental Science
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
United Kingdom


Gennadi Lessin is specializing in modelling benthic processes and benthic-pelagic interactions using ERSEM. Within NERC Shelf Seas Biogeochemistry programme, he is working on developing the ERSEM benthic model, refining existing and adding new biogeochemical (e.g. benthic carbonate cycle, calcification and detailed redox) and biological (e.g. benthic faunal activity, benthic bacteria) processes and formulations. Within the ECO2 project, the benthic model was modified to include parameterization of benthic faunal response to low pH and used to study impacts of potential carbon dioxide leakage from CCS on zoobenthic groups of variable pH tolerance. Before joining PML in 2013, Gennadi worked at the Marine Systems Institute at Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia), where he was modelling hydrodynamic and biogeochemical dynamics of the Gulf of Finland. In 2010-2012 he was a Seconded National Expert at Institute for Environment and Sustainability (Ispra, Italy), where he was working on coupled hydrodynamic and biogeochemical modelling of the Baltic Sea.

Research Intrest

Parameterization of benthic faunal response to low pH and to study impacts of potential carbon dioxide leakage from CCS on zoobenthic groups of variable pH tolerance.

List of Publications
Lessin G, Artioli Y, Queirós AM, Widdicombe S and Blackford JC (2016) Modelling impacts and recovery in benthic communities exposed to localised high CO2. Mar Pollut Bull, 109:267-80.
Lessin G, Raudsepp U, Maljutenko I, Laanemets J, Passenko J et al. (2014) Model study on present and future eutrophication and nitrogen fixation in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 129: 76-85.
Butenschön M, Clark J, Aldridge JN, Allen JI, Lessin G, et al (2015) A generic model for marine biogeochemistry and the ecosystem dynamics of the lower trophic levels, Geosci Model Dev Discuss, 8: 7063-7187.