Environmental Economist
Environmental Science
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
United Kingdom
Dr Eleni Papathanasopoulou is an economist working within the socio-economics group of PML. Her main area of research is combining macroeconomic models with environmental and resource vectors to assess the impacts humans are having on the environment and how resources are being used to sustain changing lifestyles and economic development. Her research prior to PML focused predominately on energy resource use and carbon dioxide emissions, but she is now extending her research to include other elements of ecosystem services relevant to the marine environment. Recently she combined input-output tables and fisheries data to calculate output, employment and income multipliers both at the national and regional levels. Eleni is also currently leading on a project which is investigating the social impacts and benefits of a range of marine activities. The project draws on social impact assessment frameworks, transition management techniques, input-output analysis and GIS mapping to provide a rounded view of the elements that need to be considered when planning the use of the marine environment and its social implications. She is also working on a UKERC project which is investigating the impacts different energy systems are having on marine ecosystem services both locally and globally. Eleni helped arrange and lead a knowledge exchange workshop focusing on ocean acidification and the impact on shellfish farmers in Scotland as part of the UK Ocean Acidification Research Programme.
Combining macroeconomic models with environmental and resource vectors to assess the impacts humans are having on the environment and how resources are being used to sustain changing lifestyles and economic development.