Pediatric consultant
Al Zahra Hospital
United Arab Emirates
Dr. Negm is treating children between the ages of: 0 – 16 years. He is one of the team of doctors looking after children attending the ER, the general Pediatric outpatient clinics and inpatient ward and newborn babies whether in the nursery or the neonatal intensive care unit. Dr Negm manages common and complex gastrointestinal, or growth disorders and providing nutritional support when necessary, e.g.: Abdominal pain and colic, chronic and recurrent vomiting, chronic diarrhea, Coeliac disease, congenital gut problems, constipation / fecal leaks or incontinence, faltering growth, food allergy and intolerance, gastro esophageal reflux, Inflammatory bowel disease, and Malabsorption syndrome. He is starting to run multi-disciplinary clinics for children with complex needs. He’ll be running as well a Feeding clinic for feeding difficulties and disorders. He performs procedures such as: Endoscopy and biopsies (if needed) of the upper and lower GIT, liver biopsy, PH and impedence studies for gastro esophageal reflux, breath hydrogen testing for infections and intolerances
Pediatrics, growth disorders,child health