Dr. Vanessa Maximiliane Tina


Doctor Ophthalmology

 Dr. Vanessa Maximiliane Tina is an Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon in Margahayu, Bekasi and has an experience of 4 years in this field. Dr. Vanessa Maximiliane Tina practices at Klinik Duplomat in Margahayu, Bekasi. She completed dr. from Universitas Kristen Indonesia in 2002 and Sp.M from Universitas Padjadjaran in 2013. She is a member of Ikatan Dokter Indonesia and Persatuan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia. Some of the services provided by the doctor are: Epi-Lasik, Eye Surgery, Eye Muscle Surgery, Cataract Surgery and Retina Examination etc.

Research Intrest

 Epi-Lasik, Eye Surgery, Eye Muscle Surgery, Cataract Surgery and Retina Examination etc.