Dr. Silvia Freixes

Glaucoma Department
Instituto de Microcirugía Ocular de Barcelona

Doctor Ophthalmology

She is a member of the Glaucoma Department of the IMO, Institute of Ocular Microsurgery and a Lecturer in the Glaucoma Master’s Degree of the Institute of Ocular Microsurgery and the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Research Intrest

Glaucoma, Ocular Microsurgery

List of Publications
Surgical resection of a retinal pigment epithelial hamartoma (2004) Arch. Opthalmol 122: 1870-1872.
Rusiñol E, Arrondo A, Gris O, Mateo C, Freixes S, et al. (2012) seguimiento del glaucoma. Revista Española de Glaucoma.