Dr Roy Petel

Dental DVI

Doctor Dentistry

 Dr. Petel holds a B.Med.Sc. in Medical Science and a D.M.D in Dental Medicine from Tel Aviv University with specialization in Pediatric Dentistry from the Hebrew University and Hadassah School of Dental Medicine in Jerusalem. Dr. Petel is a clinical instructor at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry of the Hadassah School of Dental Medicine and formerly a lecturer at the School of Education in Tel Aviv University. Dr Petel has many years of experience in private practice and also holds a license in Clinical Hypnosis. Dr Petel is involved in dental research and has presented at international conferences. Dr Petel is a member of the Israel Society of Dentistry for Children, The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, The International Association of Pediatric Dentistry and the Israeli Society of Clinical Hypnosis. Since December 2009 Dr. Petel is Secretary General of the Israel Society of Dentistry for Children. In July 2013, Dr. Petel was nominated as a member of the national high council of children’s health and pediatrics in the Israeli Ministry of Health.

Research Intrest

 Dental, Dentists, Dentistry