Emirates Hospital, Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Consultant Pulmonologist, Critical Care, Allergy and Sleep Medicine,American Board of Internal Medicine and Pulmonology,Dr. Jamal completed his residency training at the reputable Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.,He has a fellowship and sub-specialty training in Pulmonary diseases, Critical care at the University of Southern Illinois in Springfield, Illinois, USA,He has lectured on different topics in Pulmonary Diseases, Critical care and Sleep medicineDr. Jamal was an Assistant professor at the university of Kentucky, College of Medicine,He has practiced in Kentucky and Michigan for 15 years and recently as the head of Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine Departments at the largest Private hospital in Doha, Qatar, His interests includes; Asthma, COPD, Vascular Lung Diseases, Interstitial lung diseases, Sleep DisordersAllergic Diseases. He is a fellow at the American College of Chest Physicians, member of the American Thoracic Society and member of the European Respiratory Society.
Asthma, COPD, Vascular Lung Diseases