Dr. Ludwig Kiesel

Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of Munster


1975-1981 Medical studies in Heidelberg and London as scholarship holder of the Academic Foundation of the german people, 1979-1981 Doctoral thesis at the Heidelberg University Hospital "Characterization and regulation of 20α-hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase in the human placenta in vitro, 1981 Approbation as a doctor, 1981-1982 Research fellowship of the Subject "Regulation of receptor and postreceptor mechanisms of GnRH "at the National Institutes of Health, USA, 1982 American state sex offense (ECFMG), 1983-1989 Specialist physician training at the Univ.-Frauenklinik Heidelberg under Prof. Dr. med. F. Kubli / Prof. Dr. med. Dr. H. c. G. Bastert and Prof. Dr. med. Runnebaum Additional training: anesthesiology and neonatology, 1989 Specialist recognition for gynecology and obstetrics, 1990 Habilitation thesis on the "mechanism of action of the gonadotropin releasing hormone And its analogs in vivo and in vitro and Their clinical application, 1992 Senior physician at the University Women's Hospital Tübingen (Medical Director: Prof. Dr. med. H. A. Hirsch) Obtaining the Optional Further Education - in Specialized Operational Gynecology - in Special Obstetrics - in gynecological endocrinology and reproductive medicine, 1996 Managing Director and later Chief Physician of the Univ.-Frauenklinik, Tübingen, Germany (Prof. Dr. D. Wallwiener), 2000- Director of the Clinic and Outpatient Clinic for Womens Healthcare and Obstetrics in Münster

Research Intrest

Obstetrics and Reproductive Medicine

List of Publications
Eggers JC, Martino V, Reinbold R, Schäfer SD, Kiesel L, et al. (2016) MicroRNA miR-200b affects proliferation, invasiveness and stemness of endometriotic cells by targeting ZEB1, ZEB2 and KLF4. Reprod Biomed Online 32: 434-445.
Kiesel L, Kohl A (2016) Role of the RANK / RANKL pathway in breast cancer. Maturitas 86: 10-16.
Schlee Doorn MJ, Nelen WL, Dunselman GA, Vermeulen N, Andersson EA, et al. (2016) Selection of key recommendations for the management of women with endometriosis by an international panel of patients and professionals. Hum Reprod 31: 1208-1218.
Chelariu-Raicu A, Wilke C, Brand M, Starzinski-Powitz A, Pebble L, et al. (2016) Syndecan-4 expression is upregulated in endometriosis and contributes to an invasive phenotype. Fertil Sterile 106: 378-385.
Kreutzkamp JM, Schäfer SD, Amler S, Strube F, Kiesel L, et al. (2017) Strain Elastography as a New Method for Assessing Pelvic Floor Biomechanics. Ultrasound Med Biol 43: 868-872.