Dr Leora Birnbaum

Assistant Professor
General Internal Medicine
McGill University

Doctor Medicine

Dr Birnbaum is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at McGill University and an attending physician at the MUHC. Her interests include the management of hypertension and other cardiovascular risk factors and medical education.

Research Intrest


List of Publications
Rapid progression to gummatous syphilitic hepatitis and neurosyphilis in a patient with newly-diagnosed HIV. Pilozzi-Edmonds L, Kong LY, Szabo J, Birnbaum LM.
Unreliability of home blood pressure measurement and the effect of a patient-oriented intervention. Milot JP, Birnbaum L, Larochelle P, Wistaff R, Laskine M, Van Nguyen P, Lamarre-Cliche M.
The Gap Between Manual and Automated Office Blood Pressure Measurements Results at a Hypertension Clinic. Rinfret F, Cloutier L, L'Archevêque H, Gauthier M, Laskine M, Larochelle P, Ilinca M, Birnbaum L, Ng Cheong N, Wistaff R, Van Nguyen P, Roederer G, Bertrand M, Lamarre-Cliche M.