Dr. Emad Al Musa

Chief of Radiology


Emad Almusa completed his residency and fellowship training in muskulo-skeletal radiology at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC). He then joined the department of radiology at New York University as an assistant professor in the muskulo-skeletal department before returning to UPMC where he became the fellowship director for the programme. During this time, he gradually gained valuable knowledge and exposure to the different conditions a muskulo-skeletal radiologist will encounter in practice, from arthritides, oncology and sports. He has gained a lot of experience working with athletes of all levels, including collegiate and professional. He had the opportunity to work with athletes of multiple sports including soccer, football, ice hockey, basketball and baseball. With each sport, certain injuries are more commonly seen, giving him experience in all aspects of sports imaging including shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and foot/ankle. Dr Emad has published various peer-reviewed articles and book chapters and has a particular interest in sports imaging.

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