Dr Aristea Ladas

University of Sheffield

Doctor Psychiatry

 Dr. Ladas completed her PhD in 2013, at SEERC, which was awarded by the University of Sheffield. Her topic was the phenomenon of bilingualism and its effects on attention processes throughout the lifespan. She was a research assistant and a scientific coordinator in the Long Lasting Memories project (European Commission) , as well as a researcher in other projects funded by the European Commission (e.g. DISCOVER, USEFIL).

Research Intrest

 The cognitive effects of bilingualism, phenomena that influence attention (e.g. dementia, religion, bilingualism, drug use, dopamine), the neurochemistry and early diagnosis of dementia through dopamine function, cognitive aging, drug addiction (risk factors, rehabilitation, relapse factors, the role of dopamine), Eye Blink Rates as a measure of dopamine function.