Donna Antarr

Advisory Board Member
Advisory board
Jeunesse Global Moema Distributor in Brazil
United States of America

Doctor Nutrition

Dr. Antarr graduated from Hunter College in New York City summa cum laude with a BA in honors curriculum. She took all the required classes for the food science and registered dietitian program, but chose instead to apply to medical school. She turned down acceptance to Harvard and Johns Hopkins, the top two medical schools in the country, in favor of the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine (UCSD School of Medicine). UCSD School of Medicine is also one of the country’s top medical schools, and has the added benefits of a physically active culture and healthy, outdoors lifestyle. Dr. Antarr has also served as the only female physician on the medical advisory board of a billion-dollar health and wellness company. Using the ‘feeling great weight’ concept her practice embodied, she performed a pre-clinical trial for their natural weight loss product. As Vice President of Product Training and Development for a nutrition company, she published original research on stem cell nutrition.

Research Intrest

 Public health and nutrition, food science