David Milner, MD is a practicing Anesthesiologist in Davie, FL. Dr. Milner graduated from University de Buenos Aires in 1973 and has been in practice for 44 years. Dr. Milner also specializes in Pain Medicine. He currently practices at David Milner MD and is affiliated with Atlantic Shores Hospital and Holy Cross Hospital. Dr. Milner also practices at Eastside Medical in Wilton Manors, FL. David Milner, MD is a practicing Anesthesiologist in Davie, FL. Dr. Milner graduated from University de Buenos Aires in 1973 and has been in practice for 44 years. Dr. Milner also specializes in Pain Medicine. He currently practices at David Milner MD and is affiliated with Atlantic Shores Hospital and Holy Cross Hospital. Dr. Milner also practices at Eastside Medical in Wilton Manors, FL.