David C Gordon

Midwifery and Nursing
Women Networks Limited
United States of America

Doctor Psychiatry

Mr. Cattell-Gordon has worked at UVA for over two decades. He helped design, develop and implement the cancer education, support and outreach programs for the University of Virginia Clinical Cancer Center. This included developing community-based programs such as the Every Women’s Life Health Passport which won the prestigious national Profiles in Progress Award. He left UVA in 2004 to serve as Associate Director of a large social service department where he led a successful effort to secure the 2007 Virginia US Senate Productivity and Quality Award. Cattell-Gordon returned to UVA in 2008 as a faculty member in the Division of Public Health Sciences and the School of Nursing. He directs the nationally recognized UVA Telemedicine program, oversees rural network development for the UVA Health System and is the co-founder of and senior advisor to the Healthy Appalachia Institute at UVA’s College at Wise, an Appalachian-based public health institute. He is currently working with key partners in far Southwest Virginia to help shape a strategic health planning process for the region. He is also helping develop tele-core, a resource capability using telehealth technologies to improve clinical outcomes and access to clinical trials. He is also a founder of the Virginia Institute of Autism, an applied behavioral school, support program and research organization. Mr. Cattell-Gordon has worked at UVA for over two decades. He helped design, develop and implement the cancer education, support and outreach programs for the University of Virginia Clinical Cancer Center. This included developing community-based programs such as the Every Women’s Life Health Passport which won the prestigious national Profiles in Progress Award. He left UVA in 2004 to serve as Associate Director of a large social service department where he led a successful effort to secure the 2007 Virginia US Senate Productivity and Quality Award. Cattell-Gordon returned to UVA in 2008 as a faculty member in the Division of Public Health Sciences and the School of Nursing. He directs the nationally recognized UVA Telemedicine program, oversees rural network development for the UVA Health System and is the co-founder of and senior advisor to the Healthy Appalachia Institute at UVA’s College at Wise, an Appalachian-based public health institute. He is currently working with key partners in far Southwest Virginia to help shape a strategic health planning process for the region. He is also helping develop tele-core, a resource capability using telehealth technologies to improve clinical outcomes and access to clinical trials. He is also a founder of the Virginia Institute of Autism, an applied behavioral school, support program and research organization.

Research Intrest

Women's Health and Midwifery