Christos Georgalas completed his Doctorate in Medicine (MD) from University of Athensin the year 1994 . He is currently working as ENT specialist.
He is Member of research team “ Pathology of upper airway and digestive system” (oct 2007 – 2015) - University of Amsterdam We have shown that the regulatory cytokine IL-10 is produced by epithelial cells and by endothelial cells that line the blood vessels. Remarkably, in allergic rhinitis patients the levels of complaints correlates strongly with the expression of this cytokine. In another project we characterized potential differences between the responses of nasal epithelium from healthy and allergic individuals to house dust mite allergen (HDM) and found clear differences in the expression pattern between epithelial cells isolated from healthy and allergic individuals at baseline and between their responses to allergen exposure. Moreover we showed that a broad range of mediators produced upon allergen exposure by epithelial cells can participate in the immune response via recruitment and activation of cells of the immune system. Two projects investigate tissue resident dendritic cells dynamics and function. We have developed staining procedures FACS and immunohistochemistry to study different subpopulations and compare tissue resident cell function with that of blood isolated precursors in both allergic and healthy individuals Characterization and pathogenesis of chronic rhinosinusitis/nasal polyposis The main finding in this projects was that Amphotericin B nasal lavages are ineffective in the treatment of patients with CRS. In three related newly initiatied studies we investigate potential contributing factors to the pathogenesis of NP: (a) the role of underlying bone structures, (b) the role of viral transformation and (c) the role of epithelium-fibroblast interactions.