Anna Geifman (Ph.D., Harvard University, 1990) is the author of Thou Shalt Kill: Revolutionary Terrorism in Russia, 1894-1917 (Princeton University Press, 1993) and Entangled in Terror: The Azef Affair and the Russian Revolution (Rowman & Littlefeld Publishers, Inc., 2000). She is the editor of Russia under the Last Tsar: Opposition and Subversion, 1894-1917 (Blackwell, 1999). Among her major publications is a psychohistorical essay, La mort sera votre dieu: du nihilisme russe au terrorisme islamiste (« La Table Ronde: » Paris, 2005). Her most recent publication is Death Ordres : The Vanguard of Modern Terrorism in Revolutionary Russia (Praeger, 2010). Geifman is Professor of History Emerita at Boston University, where she has taught in the History Department for over twenty years. She is presently a Principal Research Associate at Bar-Ilan University in Israel. Geifman has won a number of prestigious grants, including IREX, and was a visiting professor in several universities in Russia and elsewhere. She is frequently invited to present at various academic and non-academic institutions in the US and Europe on the following areas of her expertise: comparative terrorism; psychology of political violence; comparative political cultures; Russian national tradition from the tsarist to post-Soviet era.
Comparative terrorism; psychology of political violence; comparative political cultures; Russian national tradition from the tsarist to post-Soviet era.