Animesh Dhar did his PhD from the University of Calcutta in Physiology in 1982. He did his Post-doctoral training from the University of Puerto Rico in Biochemistry and University of Missouri-Columbia in Pharmacology. He is now an Associate Professor in the Department of Cancer Biology at the University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC). He has published more than 50 publications in the high impact journals and about more than 10 reviews in the area of his research. He is a member of several scientific society including American Association of Cancer Research, American Association of Advancement of Sciences, American Association of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, etc. His research work is focused on the preventive and therapeutic approaches in pancreatic cancer. His research has been funded by NIH and Genzada Pharmaceuticals. Animesh Dhar did his PhD from the University of Calcutta in Physiology in 1982. He did his Post-doctoral training from the University of Puerto Rico in Biochemistry and University of Missouri-Columbia in Pharmacology. He is now an Associate Professor in the Department of Cancer Biology at the University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC). He has published more than 50 publications in the high impact journals and about more than 10 reviews in the area of his research. He is a member of several scientific society including American Association of Cancer Research, American Association of Advancement of Sciences, American Association of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, etc. His research work is focused on the preventive and therapeutic approaches in pancreatic cancer. His research has been funded by NIH and Genzada Pharmaceuticals.