Angus Atkinson

Plankton Ecologist
Environmental Science
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
United Kingdom


Dr Angus Atkinson is a marine ecologist with over 25 years of research experience and over 100 publications. He currently leads the plankton ecology group at PML and co-leads the NERC-funded Western Channel Observatory, where is responsible for the delivery of plankton data from this valuable 25-year time series. Before 2012 Dr Atkinson worked at the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge where he studied the distribution, feeding and energy budgets of zooplankton, particularly copepods and Antarctic krill.

Research Intrest

Bentho-pelagic coupling, involving zooplankton vertical migration and gravitational fluxes, phenology shifts and seasonal succession in plankton communities, zooplankton feeding and pelagic food webs.

List of Publications
Schmidt K, Schlosser C, Atkinson A, Fielding S, Venables HJ, et al (2016) Zooplankton Gut Passage Mobilizes Lithogenic Iron for Ocean Productivity. Curr Biol, 26:2667-2673.
Schmidt K, Atkinson A, Pond DW, Ireland LC, (2014) Feeding and overwintering of Antarctic krill across its major habitats: the role of sea ice cover, water depth, and phytoplankton abundance. Limnol Oceanogr, 59: 17-36.
Atkinson A, Hill SH, Barange M, Pakhomov EA, Raubenheimer D, et al (2014) Sardine cycles, krill declines and locust plagues: revisiting “wasp-waist” food webs. Trend in Ecology and Evolution, 29: 309-316.