Andras Bikov

Respiratory Medicine Specialist

Doctor Pulmonology

Andras Bikov is working as Respiratory Medicine Specialist at Semmelweis University, Department of Pulmonology. He is a medical doctor, specialist in Respiratory Medicine. He had gained skills in bronchoscopy (bronchial and transbronchial sampling), treatment of pleural effusions and pneumothorax and have experience in the management of patients with chronic pulmonary disease, pneumonia and lung cancer. Being member of the Sleep Lab and Non-invasive ventilation Unit, he had clinical and scientific interest in acute and chronic NIV treatment. As a researcher his interest includes respiratory physiology, and pathophysiology of chronic airway diseases, lung cancer and sleep disordered breathing. He published more than 40 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals with a total impact factor of 122.292, independent/total citations of 234/366 and h-index of 11 He is an active member of Hungarian Respiratory Society and European Respiratory Society, being the junior member respresentative of Assembly 5 (Airway diseases) between 2013 and 2016.

Research Intrest

Respiratory physiology, and pathophysiology of chronic airway diseases, lung cancer and sleep disordered breathing.