Reproductive Medicine
Women Networks Limited
United States of America
Abdulaziz H Abdulbaqi is the Director of Quality improvement & Patient Safety at International Medical Centre, Saudi Arabia. He is a Medical Technologist with extensive experience in clinical & administrative practice, local and international, pursuing excellence thorough learning, sharing experience with my peers and other institutions. He is a Team player, expert in quality management and patient safety & International Healthcare Accreditation Systems. He is also a Surveyor in Central Board of Accrediting Healthcare institutions (CBAHI) in KSA and in the Australian Council for Healthcare Standards for the leadership and Quality. He is passionate for improvements and to be a part of transformational change for better future in healthcare to the country and mankind. Abdulaziz H Abdulbaqi is the Director of Quality improvement & Patient Safety at International Medical Centre, Saudi Arabia. He is a Medical Technologist with extensive experience in clinical & administrative practice, local and international, pursuing excellence thorough learning, sharing experience with my peers and other institutions. He is a Team player, expert in quality management and patient safety & International Healthcare Accreditation Systems. He is also a Surveyor in Central Board of Accrediting Healthcare institutions (CBAHI) in KSA and in the Australian Council for Healthcare Standards for the leadership and Quality. He is passionate for improvements and to be a part of transformational change for better future in healthcare to the country and mankind.
Reproductive Medicine