Mr. Kvidal (born 1965) has served as Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer since 2012, with an interim period serving as acting President and Chief Executive Officer between October 2014 to September 2015. Mr. Kvidal has held several positions in the company, including President and Chief Executive Officer 2014-2015 (interim), Chief Financial Officer 2012-14, Senior VP Head of Supply & Trade 2011-12, Head of Investor Relations 2006-11, CFO Industrial 2005-06, Head of Business Unit CO2/ Industrial Central Europe 2000-05, VP Finance Hydrogas 1997-99 and Corporate Controller Hydro Agri 1993-97. He was employed by Hydro in 1991 as a trainee. Mr. Kvidal holds a Master’s degree from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) in Bergen, Norway.
Financial control, commercial and management