Tomás Recart

FOUNDER, Civil Engineer
social science
Enseña Chile


Tomás Recart studied civil engineering at Pontificia Catholic University and later received a Master's in Public Administration in International Development from Harvard University. Prior to founding Enseña Chile, Recart worked with the Catholic University of Chile Centre for Public Policy Research. There he created a tool to monitor and establish incentives for improving school attendance and founded a school. These experiences convinced him that in order to achieve social and economic equality it is necessary to systematically incorporate leadership into the educational system. In 2006 he met Wendy Kopp, the founder of Teach for America, regarding adapting the model for implementation in Chile. After developing a plan and adapting the programme to the Chilean context, Recart formally co-founded Enseña Chile in January 2008. He is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader 2011. 

Research Intrest

 socioal sciences