Stephanie Walker

Extension Vegetable Specialist
Plant and Environmental Sciences
New Mexico State University

Business Expert Environmental Sciences

Education: Ph.D. Agronomy. 2007. New Mexico State University M.S. Horticulture (Breeding & Genetics, minor Experimental Statistics). 1997. New Mexico State University B.S. Biology (specialty Microbiology). 1984. New Mexico State University Major Projects: -Chile pepper mechanization; breeding for mechanization efficiency -Red chile and paprika breeding for enhanced yield, pigmentation and other quality characteristics -New Mexico’s USDA Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program - New Mexico Sustainable Agriculture Conferences -NM Master Gardener Program vegetable production training, seed saving & participatory breeding, season extension, crop rotation, companion planting, weird & wonderful vegetables -Annual vegetable conferences and field days

Research Intrest

Investigation into green chile (Capsicum annuum) varietal differences in yield and quality when machine harvested, and breeding for increased harvest efficiency. Breeding Paprika (Capsicum annuum) for increased extractable pigment (ASTA). Release of a new high extractable Soil fumigation trials to determine effects of chloropicrin formulations on overall yield and chile stand health.

List of Publications
Silvertooth, J.C., P.W. Brown, and S. Walker. 2010. Crop growth and development for irrigated chile (Capsicum annuum). Univ. of AZ Ext. bulletin AZ1529.
Funk, P. A., S. Walker, R.P. Herbon. 2011. A systems approach to chile harvest mechanization. International Journal of Vegetable Science, Taylor & Francis, 17:296-309.
Walker, S., M.E. Uchanski, D.D. Jimenez. 2012. Hoop house vegetable production. NMSU, CES. Guide H-252
Walker, S., Thomas, S., Uchanski, M. E. 2012. Evaluations of chloropicrin fumigants for management of soil-borne pathogens in chile (Capsicum annuum L.). New Mexico Chile Association Report 33.
Walker, S.J. 2014. ‘NuMex R. Vince Hernandez’ paprika. NMSU Crop Variety Release Committee. Submitted.