Cascade Earth Sciences

Business Expert Geology and Earth Science

 Steel Maloney began his career with CES in 1987 as a part-time hydrologist. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Hydrology and Watershed Science at Utah State University. Prior positions include the Utah Water Research Lab and Hydrologist with USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station. During his tenure with CES, Mr. Maloney has held positions of Project Manager, Senior Project Manager, Director of Operations, Director of Business Development and, since 2005, CES President. During his twenty-plus years of professional experience, he has specialized in water quality management and the development of management strategies that reuse water and wastewater from agriculture, municipalities, industry, and food processors to reduce environmental impacts and conserve resources. Mr. Maloney continues to serve as a project development advisor and facilitator for complex projects that have multiple stakeholders, funding sources, and potential solutions. He has successfully managed larger scale water conservation and reuse, and turnkey projects in the western and southern United States. Mr. Maloney also has extensive experience in regulatory permit application, negotiation, and public consensus.

Research Intrest

 Hydrology and Watershed Science, agriculture, Environmental Science