Stanisław Krasowicz

Deputy director
plant sciences
Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation

Business Expert Plant Sciences

"Date and place of birth: 14.10.1950 in Kazimierz Dolny province. Lubelskie Employer: Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation - State Research Institute in PuÅ‚awy Position : Professor, Deputy Director for Research in Environmental Research h Contact: email: [email protected] phone: 81 4786 800 kom: 604 472 967 Family status: married (1977) wife Laura - teacher of nature - pensioner, 3 children: Iwona 1977, Olga 1978, Krzysztof 1984, 4 grandchildren "

Research Intrest

"economics and organization of crop production, analysis and assessment of farms, assessment of the utilization of production potential and intensity of agriculture at the level of farms, communes, regions and countries, forecasting of changes in agriculture, indicators in agricultural research, agricultural systems, agricultural advisory. Non-scientific interests of Polish history, recreation of horses"