Sidney Suma

Secretariat of the Pacific Community

Business Expert Pathology

Sidney has Bachelor of Science in Agriculture degree from the Papua New Guinea University of Technology and a Master of Agriculture (Plant Pathology) degree from the University of Sydney. He has worked as a field pathologist for over 10 years before moving to a career in biosecurity and trade facilitation. Sidney worked for the Secretariat of the Pacific Community from 2002 to 2009 and for UNDP in Seychelles from 2009 to 2014, prior to joining PHAMA in July 2015. He working experiences in biosecurity, trade facilitation, capacity development and institutional strengthening, development of biosecurity policies and laws, SPS capacity evaluation, project design and management, invasive species prevention and management, and has vast experience in capacity development in SIDS countries.

Research Intrest

biosecurity, trade facilitation, capacity development, institutional strengthening, development of biosecurity policies and laws