Rudi Pauwels


Business Expert Clinical Research

Dr. Rudi Pauwels, Ph.D., serves as the Chief Executive Officer at Biocartis NV. Dr. Pauwels Co-Founded Biocartis SA and Biocartis Group NV in 2007. Dr. Pauwels served as Chief Executive Officer of Biocartis Group NV until March 2, 2017. Dr. Pauwels is a scientist-entrepreneur. Following a 3 year sabbatical at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) where he became more familiar with the advances in micro- & nanotechnologies, he took the initiative to create Biocartis to address new needs in the field of diagnostics. He was a Venture Partner of Advent Venture Partners. He co-founded Tibotec-Virco Virology BVBA in 2001 and served as its Managing Director. He was Laboratory Head at the Rega Institute. Dr. Pauwels is a pharmacist who started as a researcher at the Rega Institute for Medical Research in Leuven, Belgium, an academic research center that is internationally known for its pioneering work in the field of antiviral chemotherapy. For more than two decades Dr. Pauwels mainly focused on the search and development of anti-HIV drugs - a number of which have been approved and introduced on the market and the development of diagnostic tools to allow personalized HIV treatment. His research as well as his entrepreneurial career is driven by medical needs and the passion to advance and significantly impact medicine. His research as well as his entrepreneurial career is driven by medical needs for which he tries to find innovative solutions. In 1994, he co-founded Janssen Infectious Diseases-Diagnostics BVBA. As Chief Executive Officer and Chief Scientific Officer, he recruited and guided a passionate team of co-workers and collaborators who made Tibotec one of the most productive companies in the field of anti-HIV drug discovery. In 1995, he co-founded Virco. In 1999, he co-founded Galapagos Genomics, a joint venture between Tibotec and Crucell. Dr. Pauwels serves as Executive Chairman of Biocartis Group NV. He served as Chairman of Galapagos Genomics from 1999 to 2002. He serves as a Member of the Scientific Advisory Board at Interuniversity MicroElectronics Center. He served as an Independent Director of MDxHealth SA from 2013 to September 19, 2015. He served as an Independent & Non-Executive Director of Galapagos NV from January 2007 to April 27, 2010. Dr. Pauwels is a co-author of more than 150 publications in peer reviewed journals. He received several awards for his scientific and entrepreneurial initiatives and serves on the Board of several companies and research Institutes. His credentials are in the discovery of several new antivirals such as d4T and TIBO. He played a key role in the scientific development of phenotypic resistance testing. Besides his scientific background, he has a strong track record in automation and informatics. He is (co)-author of more than 150 publications in peer reviewed journals. He has received several awards for his scientific and entrepreneurial initiatives. Dr. Pauwels completed his PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Virology (1990) at the Rega Institute for Medical Research (University of Leuven) in Belgium. 

Research Intrest

 Nano technology, Developing anti-Hiv Agents