Surgeons OverSeas (SOS)
Reinou S. Groen, MD, MIH, PhD is an OBGYN resident at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Prior to her training she worked for two years as an SOS International Surgical Fellow and developed the SOSAS survey for low and middle-income countries. She oversaw the use of the survey in Sierra Leone and Rwanda and received a PhD in surgical epidemiology from the University of Amsterdam. Dr. Groen was born in the Netherlands, received her MD from Groningen University and trained as a Tropical Doctor with one year of a general surgery residency and one year of emergency obstetrics. She subsequently worked for Médecines sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) in Niger and the Democratic Republic of the Congo providing emergency obstetric care, improving the care of pregnant women and training local staff. She also has a Masters of International Health from the Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam.